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A welcome from the division chair...

Ayoka Chenzira

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Welcome to the inaugural issue of A Few More Questions: The Journal of Art & Technology, an online publication produced by the Spelman College Division of the Arts. The journal highlights the emerging voices of our students through their research, writing, and creative making practices. We are proud to showcase the imaginative work of students in the departments of Art & Visual Culture, Dance Performance & Choreography, Music, Theater & Performance, and the Innovation Lab.


A Few More Questions aims to prioritize the intersection of the arts and technology as modes of inquiry, drawing from history, personal experience, community engagement, activism, and civic responsibility, while also emphasizing the importance of aesthetics and technology. Through this journal, we hope to inspire critical conversations and bold imaginations around the power of art and technology to shape and reshape our present and future.


I applaud the remarkable achievements of our students and eagerly look forward to their continued contributions as they lead and engage in these dynamic dialogues. 


We invite you to join us in celebrating their creativity and exploring the exciting possibilities at the intersection of the arts and technology.


Ayoka Chenzira, Ph.D.

Division Chair for the Arts

Diana King Endowed Professor in Film and Filmmaking, Television and Related Media

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